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Islamic Quiz Question And Answer

Islamic Quiz Question and Answer

Islamic Quiz Question and answer

Islamic Quiz Question And Answer

Islamic history, culture, and teachings include a wide range of topics, making it an interesting and fascinating discipline to study. An Islamic Quiz question and answer is a great opportunity to connect with and test one’s knowledge of Islam for those who are interested in doing so or in checking their current understanding. In order to help you learn new information and broaden your awareness of this complex faith, we’ll present a series of Islamic Quiz question and answer in this post and offer thorough explanations for each one.

Top 20 Islamic Quiz Questions and Answers

1) Which Sahaba’s slave was broken by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by planting 300 assignment win trees?
a) Bilal ibn Rabah( ra)
b) Thawban ibn Bujdud( ra)
c) Zayd ibn Harisa( ra)
d) Salman al Farisi( ra)

A( d) Salman al Farisi( ra)

2) What asset does it have to recite Ayatul Kursi before going to sleep at night?
a) Takes down belly
b) Gives you energy
c) You’re defended from detriment till daylight
d) House in Jannah

A( c) You’re defended from detriment till daylight

3) Which month does Islam practise fasting?

a) Moharram

b) Ramzan

c) Rajab

d) Shaban

A( b) Ramzan

4) How important portion of his profit is a Muslim needed to contribute as per Islam?
a) 1
c) 5
d) 10


5) What’s the number of Surahs in the Quran?
a) 72
b) 100
c) 114
d) 126

A( c) 114

6. Which festival is also called ‘The Festival of Sacrifice’ in Islam?
[A] Ramadan
[B] Muharram
[C] Eid al-Adha
[D] Eid al-Fitr

A (C) Eid al-Adha

7. Where is the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)’s headquarters located?
[A] Saudi Arabia
[B] Israel
[D] Pakistan

A [Saudi Arabia]

8. Consider the following statements:
The US military launched Operation Barkhane, an anti-insurgency campaign against African Islamist organizations.
The French military led campaign Serval, an anti-insurgency campaign in West Asia.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 2
[C] Both 1 & 2
[D] Neither 1 nor 2

A. D [Neither 1 nor 2]

9. Which nation has chosen its first ambassador to combat Islamophobia?
[B] Canada
[C] New Zealand
[D] Germany

A .B [Canada]

10. Which terrorist organization is active in South-East Asia?
Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahidin
Boko Haram
Jemaah Islamiyah
Using the codes below, select the right response:
[A] Only 1 & 4
[B] Only 4
[C] Only 2, 3 & 4
[D] Only 1, 3 & 4

A (B) Only 4

11) Which of the following is not a Muslim’s obligation to another Muslim?
[A]If one invites, you accept it
[B]If one dies, you attend the funeral
[c]If someone asks for advice, give it honestly.
[D]If one asks for money, you give

A (D) If one asks for money, you give

12)What does Prophet Musa’s stick turn into?
A. Bird
B. Tiger
C. Camel
D. Snake

A (D) Snake

13)Which verse of the Quran is the longest?
(a) Q2:255
(b) Q2:282
(c) Q2:187
(d) Q4:12
(e) Q5:3

A (b) Q2:282

14). Who gives the call for prayer in Islam?
a) Khatib
b) Ayatollah
c) Muezzin
d) Talib

A(c) Muezzin

15). From where did the Umayyad caliphs rule?
a) Riyadh
b) Cairo
c) Ankara
d) Damascus

A(d) Damascus


Islamic quizzes offer a fun and instructive method to delve into the broad world of Islamic principles, culture, and history. People may deepen their knowledge of Islamic Quiz Questions and answers be challenged by them, and gain a better grasp of the depth and variety of the Islamic faith by exploring these quiz questions and answers. Islamic quizzes offer a fascinating voyage of discovery, regardless of whether you are a student of Islamic studies, a curious learner, or simply interested in enhancing your knowledge if you want Islamic Question Papers Amu Entrance Question Paper 2023-2024.

Google Digital Garage Module 12 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers

Google Digital Garage Module 12 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers

Are you in need of Google Digital Garage Module 12 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers? If so, you can find the Help People Near You Find You Online test questions and answers here from the Google Garage digital marketing quiz. You may use this page to aid you with the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Quiz Module 12 Answers.

There are a total of 8 questions. The right responses are highlighted in blue. You may use these solutions as a suggestion and pass the test just as I did by following the instructions in this post to pass Module 12 of the Google Digital Garage Test.

Google Digital Garage Module 12 Question Answers

Google Digital Garage Module 12 Question Answers Check Your Knowledge

1. Social media basics

Lily runs a vintage clothing company. She’s set up an Instagram and a Facebook page and has gained some followers by putting a sign up in her shop. What can Lily do to keep these followers and encourage others?

A. Start a conversation with your followers

B. Comment on all of your followers’ personal posts

C. Delete all negative comments

D. Post regularly

E. Name and shame competitors

2. The right social media sites for you

Lily has drafted a number of different posts for her social media accounts. Can you match the post to the best social network for each of the following scenarios?

A. Vintage Lily is looking for a carpenter to create a bespoke counter top for our vintage clothing shop; contact me for details – Linkedin

B. Loving these recent photos of the new range by my fantastic photographer friend Rae – Instagram

C. So excited about our first ever after-hours vintage fashion show on Thursday at 7 p.m. – join us? – Facebook

3. Setting your goals for social media
Lily has had fun experimenting with the various social media networks but it’s time to get a little more serious. Which of Lily’s business goals can she achieve with social media?

A. Raise the profile of the business
B. Keep expenditure within the stated budgets
C. Attract new customers and grow the customer base
D. Control the flow of stock
E. Discuss new products with customers

4. Getting on social media

Lily is setting up a Twitter profile for her business. She’s put together a list of the key things she’ll need to get her profile up and running. Can you check her list and cross off any items she doesn’t need to include in her Twitter business profile?

A. A business email account

B. Annual membership fee

C. A company logo or photo

D. Business description and contact details

E. Number of employees in the business

4. Which of the following can businesses achieve by using social media?

A. Attract new audiences

B. Build a good reputation with customers

C. Meet sales goals

D. Increase traffic to their website

6. Fill in the blank: Businesses should focus on social media platforms with _______.

A. The biggest reputation

B. The most expected engagement

C. A relevant audience

D. The most users

7. Which of the following is an example of a social media goal?

A. Acquire genuine reviews on products

B. Drive more traffic to your store

C. Develop one-way communication with customers

D. Mimic your competition’s approach

8. Which details should you look to include on a business profile page on social media?

A. Details about the CEO

B. Link to a local listing site you’re on.

C. Description of the business

D. Cost of products and services

Google Digital Garage Module 12 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers FAQ

Q. What does Google Digital Garage Module 12 entail?

A. The 12th Google Digital Garage module is titled “Get Noticed Locally.” It shows you how to connect with local clients by utilizing local directories.

Q. What is Google Digital Garage?

A. The Google Digital Garage is a free online course where you can learn a lot about the principles of digital marketing. It also assists you in expanding the visibility of your online enterprises while spending less money.

Q. Are These Answers Up To Date?

A. Yes, these answers are current with the most recent inquiries.


I’m assuming you are aware of the right response to each query in Google Digital Garage Module 12 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers. Share this post with your friends who are also trying to solve the Help People Near You Find You Online quiz if it was helpful to you in locating the answers. By clicking here you can find Google Digital Garage Module 13 Question Answers – Deep Dive Into Social Media Answers.

NEET MCQs Questions

NEET MCQs Question

NEET MCQs Question

NEET MCQs Questions

The three sections of NEET are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. For its use in numerical computations, derivations, equations, and other areas, physics needs a particular theoretical clarity. This may be practiced here in the part with the NEET MCQs Question.

Every year, the National Eligibility Comprehension Entrance Test, or NEET, is held to determine eligibility for admission to undergraduate medical programs. With diligent practice and the uttermost commitment, one may achieve an excellent NEET MCQs Question. MTG has created Biology questions for NEET to aid students in their preparation and improve their performance. These inquiries, which are seen to be the most crucial, will probably appear in the NEET. There are questions and responses available. Every month, we’ll make sure to provide questions as updates. Look them up.

NEET MCQs Question :Test your knowledge!

Q.1. The classic illustrations of this concept are the absorption of water by seeds and dry wood?

(c) imbibition
(d) none of these

Answer.1. (c) imbibition

Q.2. Cocaine, a powerful central nervous system stimulant, is obtained from
(a)Papaver somniferum
(b)Cannabis sativa
(c) Erythroxylum coca
(d) Camellia Sinensis.

Answer.2. (c) Erythroxylum coca

Q.3. Which compound promotes female flowers in cucumbers thereby increasing the yield?
(a) Cytokinins
(b) Naphthalene acetic acid
(c) Abscisic acid
(d) Ethephon

Answer.3. (d) Ethephon

Q.4. Identify the stage in which the formation of the synaptonemal complex takes place.
(a) Pachytene
(b) Leptotene
(c) Zygotene
(d) Diplotene

Answer.4. (c) Zygotene

Q.5. Which type of vascular bundles usually have the phloem located only on the outer side of the xylem?
(a) Radial
(b) Conjoint
(c) Open
(d) Closed

Answer.5. (b) Conjoint

Q.6 Urethral meatus refers to the
(a) opening of the vas deferens into the urethra
(b) the external opening of the urethra
(c) seminiferous tubes opening into the vasa efferentia
(d) none of these

A.6. (b) the external opening of the urethra

Q.7. Inside the bony labyrinth lies the membranous labyrinth which is surrounded by a fluid known as
(a) perilymph
(b) endolymph
(c) scala vestibuli
(d) both (a) and (b).

Answer.7. (a) perilymph

Q.8. Skin of the Pterophyllum is covered with
(a) placoid scales
(b) ctenoid scales
(c) devoid of scales
(d) cornified scales.

A.8. (b) ctenoid scales

Q.9 Which of the following is used in conjunction with barriers to improve their contraceptive effectiveness?
(a) Multiload 375
(b) Cervical caps
(c) Spermicidal creams
(d) Lippes loop

A.9. (c) Spermicidal creams

Q.10 A motor neuron will stimulate a fiber of muscle at the site of the
(a) myofibril
(b) transverse tubules
(c) neuromuscular junction
(d) sarcoplasmic reticulum

Answer: (c) neuromuscular junction

Q.11. The hypothalamus is most likely to be interrupted by a wound
(a) coordination during locomotion
(b) short term memory
(c) regulation of body temperature
(d) executive function like decision making

Answer: (c) regulation of body temperature

Q.12. In human beings, a lack of certain nutrients is connected to Alzheimer’s illness
(a) acetylcholine
(b) dopamine
(c) glutamic acid
(d) Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA)

Answer: (a) acetylcholine

Q.13. What ails the person exhibiting these symptoms? emotional outbursts, volatile emotions, argumentative conduct, and interpersonal difficulties
(a) Mood disorders
(b) Addictive disorders
(c) Schizophrenia
(d) Borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Answer: (d) Borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Q.14. This characteristic of a hormone prevents it from exerting its full action in the absence of another hormone.
(a) antagonism
(b) self-assertive
(c) permissiveness
(d) synergism

Answer: (c) permissiveness

15. Where on the cell can you find the “hormone response element”?
(a) RNA
(b) DNA
(c) membrane
(d) enzymes

Answer: (b) DNA

16. This organ is a neuroendocrine organ.
(a) adrenal cortex
(b) hypothalamus
(c) pancreas
(d) pituitary

Answer: (b) hypothalamus

17. Which of these is not a hormone according to the chemical classification?
(a) steroid hormones
(b) amino-acid-based hormones
(c) glucose-containing hormones
(d) protein-based hormones

Answer: (c) glucose-containing hormones

Q.18. Nemtode-specific genes were inserted into the host plant via RNA interference to protect tobacco plants from Meloidogyne incognita.
(a) Bacillus thuringiensis
(b) transposons
(c) Agrobacterium
(d) virus with RNA genome

A.2. (c) Agrobacterium

Q.19. Which element is required for the uptake and utilisation of Ca2+, pollen germination and carbohydrate translocation?
(a) Molybdenum
(b) Boron
(c) Zinc
(d) Manganese

A.3. (b) Boron

Q.20. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) At 800 °C, S.L. Miller produced an electric discharge in a closed flask containing water vapor, CH4, O2, NH3, and other gases
(b) Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita represents homology which is a result of divergent evolution.
(c) Human habitation began roughly 50,000 years ago when agriculture appeared.
(d) The first mammals were like Coelacanth.

A.4. (b) Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita represent homology which is a result of divergent evolution.


NEET MCQs Question are a vital component of the medical entrance exam and require a well-rounded approach to preparation. By developing a solid foundation, practicing regularly, and employing effective test-taking strategies, you can enhance your performance and increase your chances of success in NEET. Remember, success in NEET is not solely dependent on rote memorization but on the ability to apply knowledge in a logical and efficient manner if you want  Read Article How To Crack Neet Exam 2024

Google Digital Garage Module 11 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers

Google Digital Garage Module 11 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers

Are you in need of Google Digital Garage Module 11 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers? If so, you can find the Help People Near You Find You Online test questions and answers here from the Google Garage digital marketing quiz. You may use this page to aid you with the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Quiz Module 11 Answers.

There are a total of 6 questions. The right responses are highlighted in yellow. You may use these solutions as a guide and ace Module 11 of the Google Digital Garage Quiz just like I did by adhering to the instructions in this post.

Google Digital Garage Module 11 Question Answers

Google Digital Garage Module 11 Question Answers Check Your Knowledge

1. Using digital to advertise locally

Esmeralda runs a local bike shop. If she advertises her shop using the Internet, Esmeralda could reach people in many different countries. But she doesn’t want to do that. She wants to target her online ads to local customers.

How can she do this effectively?

A. Show ads to people within 10 miles of her shop

B. Display the ad during the shop’s opening hours

C. Tailor her ads for people who live locally

D. Hand out flyers and business cards to local shops

2. Reaching locals on their mobiles

Esmeralda runs a local bike shop. She knows a lot of her customers use smartphones with GPS, so she invested in a mobile app that can utilize this technology. She has a couple of ideas how to use the app to engage her customers.

Can you remove the ideas that do not need GPS?

A. Send sales alerts when customers are near the shop

B. Notify people of promotional events like a free tune-up

C. Direct customers to Esmeralda’s shop

D. Send personalized coupons to repeat customers

E. Let customers schedule appointments for repairs

3. SEO for local businesses

Esmeralda owns a bike shop and wants to make her website interesting for local customers. She’s currently planning blog content that will help her show up on searches for local shops. She’s had an idea for a post about famous cyclists and one about popular bike trails in the area.

Which one do you think Esmeralda should start with?

A. 2nd Picture

4. Which of the following factors help search engines determine if your business is local?

A. Location details on the website, quality content, and how mobile-friendly the website is

B. Location details on the website, a list of shops local to you, and a contact form

C. Quality content, list of local suppliers, and location details.

D. Location GPS tags on photos, quality content and how mobile friendly the website is

5. When looking to attract a local audience, why it is important to optimize your website and content for mobile users?

A. Because local users tend to use their mobile devices when they’re out of the house

B. Because mobiles will replace desktop computers

C. Because all online users browse on mobile devices these days

D. Because marketing for mobile is more cost-effective

6. Which of the following can help you gain visibility in search engines?

A. Adding relevant content that highlights the location of your business

B. Including your address on your Twitter account

C. Optimizing your site for desktop devices only

D. Adding a list of shops local to you on your website

Google Digital Garage Module 11 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers FAQ

Q. What does Google Digital Garage Module 11 entail?

A. The “Help people in the area find you online” module of Google Digital Garage is available. It shows you how to use digital marketing channels to connect with clients who are around your company physically.

Q. Does Module 11 apply to all types of businesses?

A. Small enterprises and huge corporations of all kinds can benefit from Module 11. However, it is especially advantageous for companies that depend on neighborhood clients.

Q. What steps must I take to begin Module 11?

A. Visit the Google Digital Garage website to create a free account and begin Module 11 there. After making an account, you may access Module 11 and begin studying.


I’m assuming you are aware of the right response to each query in Google Digital Garage Module 11 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers. Share this post with your friends who are also trying to solve the Help People Near You Find You Online quiz if it was helpful to you in locating the answers. By clicking here you can also find Google Digital Garage Module 12 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers.

Google Digital Garage Module 10 Question Answers – Get Noticed Locally Answers

Google Digital Garage Module 10 Question Answers – Get Noticed Locally Answers

Are you in need of Google Digital Garage Module 10 Question Answers – Get Noticed Locally Answers? If so, you can discover the Get Noticed Locally answers to the Google Garage quiz on digital marketing here. You may use this page to aid you with the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Quiz Module 10 Answers.

There are a total of 6 questions. The right responses are highlighted in blue. You may use these solutions as a suggestion and pass the test just as I did by following the instructions in this post to pass Module 10 of the Google Digital Garage Test.

Google Digital Garage Module 10 Question Answers

Google Digital Garage Module 10 Question Answers Check Your Knowledge

1. Marketing to the locals

Jim is running a bike shop in a popular tourist city and he’s started a bike hire service.

What would be the better way for Jim to attract more tourists – a map feature or a social media page?

A.1st Picture

2. The power of local directories

Jim owns a local bike shop and wants to be noticed more by the people in his town. He decides to use the internet to connect with customers online by creating a listing for his business in a local directory like Google My Business.

Help Jim create his listing by choosing the minimum information he should add.

A. Jim’s Bikes

B. 10 Bird Way, Cowseld, West Sussex, RH11 5XN

C. Phone number 01269 559632

D. Open 9–5 Mon–Sat

E. Image of a bike

3. How can you improve a business’s visibility to people located near you geographically?

A. Translate your website into at least two more languages

B. Offer free phone support during business hours

C. Ensure you have good analytics on your website

D. Make sure your phone number, address, and business hours are easy to find

4. Which of the following is an example of a local search?

A. “bike shop near me”

B. “bike shop in UK”

C. “local bicycle shop”

D. “bike shops”

5. Which of the following is a benefit of registering your business in online local listings?

A. Discounted pricing on your search advertising campaigns

B. Increased likelihood of being discovered through search engines

C. More mentions on social media platforms

D. Guaranteed sales to local customers

6. Which three pieces of information are essential to include first in your local directory listing?

A. Business address, website, telephone numbers

B. Business name, business address, telephone numbers

C. Website, telephone numbers, email address

D. Business name, email address, website

Google Digital Garage Module 10 Question Answers – Get Noticed Locally Answers FAQ

Q. What does Google Digital Garage Module 10 entail?

A. The tenth module of Google Digital Garage is titled “Get Noticed Locally.” The fundamentals of local web marketing are covered, such as how to set up a listing in local directories, use mobile marketing, and establish a local search presence.

Q. How long does Module 10 take to finish?

A. Depending on your particular learning style and the amount of time you have available, Module 10 will take you a different length of time to finish. However, the majority of people ought to be able to finish the module in 2 to 3 hours.

Q. What sources may I consult for further information about Module 10?

A. On the Google Digital Garage website, you may learn more about Module 10. The website provides both a thorough explanation of the module and a variety of tools to assist you in finishing it.


I’m assuming you are aware of the right response to each query in Google Digital Garage Module 10 Question Answers – Get Noticed Locally Answers. Please share this post with your friends who are also seeking the Get Noticed Locally quiz answers if it was helpful to you in finding the answers. By clicking here you can also find Google Digital Garage Module 11 Question Answers – Help People Nearby Find You Online Answers.

Google Digital Garage Module 9 Question Answers – Improve Your Search Campaigns Answers

Google Digital Garage Module 9 Question Answers – Improve Your Search Campaigns Answers

Are you in need of Google Digital Garage Module 9 Question Answers – Improve Your Search Campaigns Answers? If so, you can get the answers to the questions on improving your search campaigns from the Google Garage digital marketing quiz here. You may use this material to aid with the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Quiz Questions and Answers.

There are a total of 8 questions. The right responses are highlighted in blue. You may use these solutions as a suggestion and pass the test just as I did by following the instructions in this post to pass Module 9 of the Google Digital Garage Test.

Google Digital Garage Module 9 Question Answers Check Your Knowledge

1. Achieve relevance with a good structure

Anna is a commercial photographer.

She’s setting up SEM campaigns to draw more traffic to her site. She needs to make sure her ads are relevant, and she’s doing this by creating ad groups for each type of product.

Take a look at the ad below:

Wedding photography

Capture your special day with beautiful photographs

Call to book your date now!

Can you help Anna by eliminating the keywords that wouldn’t be relevant to her ad?

A. Bridal party photos

B. Candid wedding photos

C. Baby photoshoot

D. Newborn baby photography

E. Professional website photos

2. Get the most from your keywords

Anna specializes in portrait photography. She uses her website to reach potential customers and has recently set up an SEM campaign to draw more traffic to her site. She wants to use negative keywords to make sure her ads don’t appear for people who aren’t potential customers.

Which of the following keywords are the negative keywords?

A. Photographer

B. Portrait

C. Landscape

D. Family photo

E. Water color

3. Fine-tune with keyword match types

Anna has a themed portrait photography studio. She offers competitive prices and reaches and engages with visitors to her site through her online presence. However, not many of them become paying customers.

Anna has a range of keywords and wants to fine-tune them to best target potentially paying customers.

Put the keywords in order of the broadest to the most restrictive.

A. Photography, portraits

B. Portrait photography studio

C. Movie themed portrait photography

D. Film themed portrait photography, low cost

4. How to know what’s working and what isn’t

Anna is a photographer. She’s previously focused on wedding photography, but she now takes requests to photograph other events as well. Customers can contact her through the site’s enquiry page to make requests. They can also look at her gallery and sign up to an email newsletter. Anna wants to track how many people request photography for events that aren’t weddings. Where should she place the conversion tracking code?

A. Homepage

B. Enquiry page

C. Enquiry confirmation page

C. Newsletter sign-up page

5. Which of the following is a benefit of using relevant ads and landing pages?

A. Increased cost for ad placements

B. Higher ad positions on the search results page

C. Higher cost per clicks on your ads

D. Ads that will ensure more purchases

6. When it comes to search ads, which description best describes ‘negative keywords’?

A. Keywords with no association to your site

B. Keywords with a poor search volume

C. Keywords that are excluded from a campaign

D. Keywords that are typed incorrectly

7. Fill in the blank: If you use __________ keywords when building your search ads, minor variations, like plurals, can still trigger the ad.

A. Exact Match

B. Random Match

C. Direct match

D. Close match

8. What can conversion tracking in search help you measure?

A. How many transactions are completed on your site overall

B. How many people click on your SEM ad and end up browsing your site

C. How many people visiting your site from a search ad end up completing a purchase

D. How many customers your ad has converted into brand ambassadors

Google Digital Garage Module 9 Question Answers – Improve Your Search Campaigns Answers FAQ

Q. What is covered in Module 9?

 A. The Google Digital Garage course’s ninth module, “Improving Your Search Campaigns,” discusses this topic. It addresses subjects including how to organize your campaigns for relevancy, how to pick the best keywords, and how to employ negative keywords.

Q. Are These Answers Accurate?

A. All of those answers are true in every way.


I’m assuming you are aware of the right response to each query in Google Digital Garage Module 9 Question Answers – Improve Your Search Campaigns Answers. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends who are also trying to solve the Improve Your Search Campaigns quiz if it was helpful to you in locating the answers. By clicking here you can find Google Digital Garage Module 10 Question Answers – Get Noticed Locally Answers.

Class 9th Science MCQs

class 9 science mcqs

Class 9 Science MCQs

Class 9th Science MCQs

Science education is essential for building a strong knowledge base and critical class 9 science MCQs multiple-choice inquiries (MCQs) for class 9 science have gained popularity as a technique for scientific education evaluation. MCQs assist students in developing their capacity for problem-solving and analysis while also testing their understanding. This essay clarifies the value of Class 9 science MCQs in the classroom and how they may support a thorough educational process.

Class 9 Science MCQs: Enhance Your Problem-Solving Skills

1. In which of the following scenarios would the separation between hydrogen gas molecules increase?
I. Increasing the pressure on hydrogen within a sealed container
II. Leaking some hydrogen gas from the container
III. III. Increasing the hydrogen gas container’s capacity
IV. By expanding the container’s hydrogen gas content without expanding the container’s capacity.
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer (c) (ii) and (iii)

2. A kind of substance has a defined volume but no fixed shape. This type of stuff can be exemplified by:
(a) Krypton
(b) Kerosene
(c) Carbon steel
(d) Carbon dioxide

Answer (b) Kerosene

3. Which of the following statements is true for pure substances?
(i) There is only one sort of particle in pure substances.
(ii) Pure substances can be compounds or mixes.
(iii) The constitution of pure substances is constant throughout.
(iv) All elements other than nickel can serve as examples of pure substances.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iii)

Answer: b) (i) and (iii)

4. Blood and seawater are (a) both mixtures
(b) both are compounds
(c) blood is a mixture whereas seawater is a compound
(d) Seawater and blood are both mixtures.

Answer: (a) both mixtures

5. In ammonia, nitrogen and hydrogen is in ratio ………….. by mass.
a) 14:5
b) 14:3
c) 14:8
d) 14:2


6. Atomic radius is measured in…………

a) Kg

b) cm

c) Mm

d) nm

Answer-d) nm

    7. Negatively charged ions called…………..

    a) Electric current

    b) Anions

    c) Ions

    d) Current


    8. ‘Fern’ is related to which species?

    a) Monera

    b) Cila

    c) Pteridophyta

    d) Bacteria

    Answer: (c) Pteridophyta

    9) What is the S.I unit of force?

    a) watt

    b) Calvin

    c) joule

    d) Newton

    Answer: (d) Newton

    10) What species can you name that can indicate the level of air pollution?

    a) Humus

    b) Bees

    c) Mosquitos

    d) Lichens

    Answer: (d) Lichens

    11) Which isotope is utilized to produce energy in nuclear power plants?
    (a) Uranium 235
    (b) Iodine 131
    (c) Cobalt 60
    (d) Uranium 238

    Answer: (a) Uranium 235

    12. Which elemental feature governs an element’s chemical behavior?
    (a) Size of an element
    (b) Valency of an element
    (c) Molar mass of the element
    (d) None of these

    Answer: (b) Valency of an element

    13. You’ve probably seen that fruit appears green when it’s unripe but turns a gorgeous shade when it’s ripe. What do you think the cause of this hue shift is?
    (a) Chloroplasts change to chromoplasts
    (b) Chromosplasts change to chromosomes
    (c) Chloroplasts change to chromosomes
    (d) Chromosplasts change to chloroplasts

    Answer: (a) Chloroplasts change to chromoplasts

    14. The process of plasmolysis in plant cells is defined as:
    (a) Plasma membrane degeneration in a hypotonic solution.
    (b) Cytoplasmic shrinkage in a hypertonic media.
    (c) Shrinkage of Nucleoplasm.
    (d) None of these.

    Answer: (b) Cytoplasmic shrinkage in a hypertonic media.

    15.) ……………… tissues are loosely held and stores food in plant
    a) Parenchyma tissue
    b) Meristematic tissue
    c) Permanent tissue
    d) None of them

    Answer-Permanent tissue

    16. Select the statement that most accurately sums up the traits of the kingdom that the mushroom belongs to:
    (a) Unicellular prokaryotic organisms
    (b) Saprophytic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms
    (c) Unicellular eukaryotic organisms
    (d) Autotrophic eukaryotic organisms

    Answer.(b) Saprophytic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms

    17. From the list below, pick the one that accurately sums up what spirogyra is like.
    (a) Multicellular, auto trophic, root-like rhizoids.
    (b) Cytoplasmic strands, autotrophic, presence of rhizome.
    (c) Presence of male cones, nonvascular, filaments.
    (d) Filamentous, with cytoplasmic threads and pyrenoids present.

    Answer. (d) Filamentous, with cytoplasmic threads and pyrenoids present

    18. Which among the following is a common feature of chordates?
    (a) Presence of notochord
    (b) Presence of a triploblastic condition
    (c) Presence of coelom
    (d) Presence of gill pouches

    Answer.(a) Presence of notochord

    19.) If a man hold an object of mass 20 kg at 1.3 m then the value of work done will be
    a) 26 J
    b) 30 J
    c) 20 J
    d) 0 J
    Answer: d) 0 J

    20.) We can derive the formula for kinetic energy is from —
    a) Definition of acceleration
    b) Second equation of kinematics
    c) Third equation of kinematics
    d) Equation of potential energy

    Answer: c) third equation of kinematics.


    Class 9 science MCQs efficiently assess students’ comprehension, stimulate idea application, foster critical thinking abilities, and help with time management. MCQs help students prepare for competitive examinations and spot misunderstandings. Teachers may provide students with a thorough and interesting learning experience while also promoting a better understanding of science and its tenets by including well-designed MCQs in their lesson plans. if you want to Question Paper of AMU Entrance Question Paper 2023

    Google Digital Garage Module 8 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers

    Google Digital Garage Module 8 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers

    Are you in need of Google Digital Garage Module 8 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers? If so, you can discover the Make Search Work For You questions and answers from the Google Garage quiz on digital marketing right here. You may use this page to aid you with the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Quiz Module 8 Answers.

    There are a total of 8 questions. The right responses are highlighted in blue. You may use these solutions as a suggestion and pass the test just as I did by following the instructions in this post to pass Module 8 of the Google Digital Garage Test.

    Google Digital Garage Module 8 Question Answers

    Google Digital Garage Module 8 Question Answers Check Your Knowledge

    1. Introduction to search engine marketing (SEM)

    Michelle is a wedding photographer in Cardiff. She wants to use search engine marketing to bring customers to her website. Where will her website appear if she uses search engine marketing?

    A. 1st Picture

    2. The SEM auction

    Michelle has created some adverts to promote her wedding photography business in Cardiff. She wants her adverts to align with the keywords ‘wedding photographer Cardiff discount’, as she’s offering 25% off at the moment.

    Can you order the following advert headings from best to worst in terms of how well they align with the keywords?

    A. Cardiff wedding photographer – 25% discount

    B. Cardiff wedding photographer

    C. Discount wedding

    D. Wedding

    3. What makes a good keyword

    To increase her Quality Score, Michelle is thinking about the best keywords and phrases to use.

    Cross off the keywords which she shouldn’t use.

    A. Wedding Photography Cardiff

    B. Cardiff weddings

    C. Wedding photography business based in Cardiff

    4. Make your ads stand out

    Michelle is writing her search ad for her wedding photography business. She wants to make sure it stands out.

    Which of these text statements would work best as an ad?

    A. Cardiff wedding photography. Get 25% off your first order. Make your reservation now.

    B. Wedding photographer. Cardiff-based photographer specializes in outdoor weddings and scenic locations. Book now!

    C. Welsh wedding pics. Want great wedding pics? Cardiff-based photographer, Michelle, available for hire.

    5. Search engine marketing can also be called what?

    A. Pay-per-click advertising

    B. Organic advertising

    C. Search box marketing

    D. One-click advertising

    6. In an SEM auction, your Quality Score is based on which aspect of your ad?

    A. Bid

    B. Relevance

    C. Wit

    D. Length

    7. Fill in the blank: It’s possible to determine how well a/an ___________ will perform without bidding on it.

    A. Auction

    B. Website

    C. Keyword

    D. Advert

    8. What should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks?

    A. A call to action

    B. A catchy headline

    C. A close-up photo

    D. A social media link

    Google Digital Garage Module 8 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers FAQ

    Q. What is covered in Module 8?

    A. The topic of search engine marketing (SEM) is covered in module 8 of the Google Digital Garage course. SEM is a form of internet advertising that enables companies to have their adverts appear when Google users search for pertinent keywords.

    Q. How long does Module 8 take to finish?

    A. Depending on your particular learning style and the amount of time you have available, Module 8 will take you a different length of time to finish. However, the majority of people ought to be able to finish the module in 2 to 3 hours.

    Q. How valuable is Module 8?

    A. The value of Module 8 will vary depending on your unique objectives and requirements. However, Module 8 is a useful resource if you want to learn more about SEM and how to utilize it to expand your business.


    I’m assuming you are aware of the right response to each query in Google Digital Garage Module 8 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends who are also seeking for the answers to the Make Search Work For You quiz if it was helpful to you in locating the answers. By clicking here you can visit Google Digital Garage Module 9 Question Answers – Improve Your Search Campaigns Answers.

    Google Digital Garage Module 7 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers

    Google Digital Garage Module 7 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers

    Are you in need of Google Digital Garage Module 7 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers ? If so, you can discover the Make Search Work For You questions and answers from the Google Garage quiz on digital marketing right here. You may use this material to aid with the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Quiz Questions and Answers.

    There are a total of 6 questions. The right responses are highlighted in blue. You may use these solutions as a suggestion and pass the test, just like I did, who followed the instructions in this post to pass Module 7 of the Google Digital Garage Quiz.

    Google Digital Garage Module 7 Question Answers

    Google Digital Garage Module 7 Question Answers Check Your Knowledge

    1. Making your web pages search friendly

    Eric Blake sells the produce from his farm online. He wants to optimize the page that sells fruit and vegetables, so he’s looking into titles and meta tags, headings, and improving his copy.

    Can you help Eric choose a suitable title and meta description?

    A. Click to select the title – Blake’s Produce: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables

    B. Click to select meta description – Fresh fruit and vegetables grown locally and delivered straight to your door

    2. How other websites can work for you

    Eric is working on his website, which sells produce from his farm. He’s thinking of different ways to improve his website so that it appears on more search engine results and gets more traffic.

    Which of these ideas will help improve his search visibility?

    A. Write recipes that use vegetables that he sells

    B. Get lots of likes or followers on social media

    C. Encourage others to write about his website

    D. Add lots of links to the website

    3. Cross borders with SEO

    Eric’s farm produce business started locally in the UK, but he’s started getting orders from overseas as well. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Eric decides to optimize his website to an international audience. What should he avoid doing?

    Select the things Eric should avoid then select Submit to remove them.

    A. Separating out each language into different pages

    B. Having different languages on the same page

    C. Adding language annotations to his webpage

    D. Using automated services to translate content

    4. Which of the following page titles would be most suitable for a website page describing a store’s return policy?

    A. How to Send Stuff Back

    B. [Company Name’s] Return Policy

    C. Return Policy

    D. Company Policies

    5. Which of the following is a good way to get other websites to link to your site?

    A. Keep linking to them until they link to you

    B. Send them emails until they link to you

    C. Building relationships with similar sites

    D. Use as many relevant keywords on the page you’d like them to link to

    6. When expanding a business internationally, which of the following is most important to provide on your website?

    A. Products and delivery details in the correct currency

    B. Time and dates written in the local format

    C. Exchange rate information

    D. Free giveaways for local customers

    Google Digital Garage Module 7 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers FAQ

    Q. What is covered in Module 7?

    A. Search engine optimization (SEO), which is the process of raising a website’s or web page’s rating in search engine results, is the topic of module 7. By optimizing the website’s content, architecture, and backlinks, may be accomplished.

    Q. How long does Module 7 take to finish?

    A. Depending on your unique learning style and pace, Module 7 will take you a different length of time to finish. However, the majority of people ought to be able to finish the module in two to three hours.

    Q. Does Module 7 have to come before any other modules?

    A. No subsequent courses in the Google Digital Garage curriculum require the completion of Module 7. If you are interested in learning more about SEO, it is a worthwhile module to study.


    I’m assuming you are aware of the right response to each query in Google Digital Garage Module 7 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends who are also seeking the answers to the Make Search Work For You quiz if it was helpful to you in locating the answers. By clicking here you can also find Google Digital Garage Module 8 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers.

    Google Digital Garage Module 6 Question Answers – Get Discovered With Search Answers

    Google Digital Garage Module 6 Question Answers – Get Discovered With Search Answers

    Are you need Google Digital Garage Module 6 Question Answers – Get Discovered With Search Answers? If so, you can discover the Get Discovered With Search questions and answers from the Google Garage quiz on digital marketing right here. You may use this page to get answers to the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing quiz questions from Module 6.

    There are a total of 10 questions. The right responses are highlighted in blue. You may use these solutions as a suggestion and pass the Google Digital Garage Quiz Module 6 just as I did by following the steps in this post.

    Google Digital Garage Module 6 Question Answers

    Google Digital Garage Module 6 Question Answers Check Your Knowledge

    1. Intro to search engine optimization (SEO)

    Eric is expanding his business by selling fruit and veg online. His website has been up and running for a while but he’s not getting many views or orders online.  Eric knows he can improve his search engine results with either paid search or SEO. Take a look at the following search results screens. Where will his website appear in the search results if he purely uses SEO to improve his results?

    A. 3rd Picture

    2. The importance of an SEO plan

    Eric is keen to improve his search engine results and he wants to use SEO to do it. He’s written the step-by-step process for his SEO plan, but it’s currently in the wrong order. Can you reorder it?

    A. Do keyword research

    B. See where I appear in search results for specific keywords

    C. Look for gaps in my SEO performance

    D. Review results and adjust the plan

    3. The SEO process

    Eric sells fruit and veg online and is using SEO to improve where he ranks in search engine results. He’s researched what people search for to get to his website, and he’s created content to match it. Eric’s SEO work doesn’t stop there though. He’s been talking to some friends and they’ve all offered him advice about how he should keep up with SEO over time.

    Which advice should he not take?

    A. Contract an agency offering top organic search positions

    B. Don’t change your keywords as it confuses search engines

    C. Stay up to date with search engine changes

    E. Read about the trends in your industry and use them to create content for your page

    F. Get opinions from your customers on what might be missing from your site

    4. How to choose keywords

    Eric is optimizing his fruit and veg website for SEO and would like to improve his ‘long tail’ keywords. Which of these sets of words contains an example of long tail keywords?

    A. Maris piper potatoes

    B. Potato, potatoes, farm potatoes, organic potatoes

    C. Buy organic potatoes from a family farm

    5. Setting realistic SEO goalsEric has been selling fruit and veg online for a while. He’s chosen the keywords that he feels will drive the right people to his website, now he needs to track the progress of these keywords with analytics tools.What information will analytics give him?A. Where website visitors are locatedB. Which website visitors turn into paying customersC. What content visitors interact with D. Whether customers enjoy the fruit and veg they buy

    6. Which of the following factors should you consider when optimizing your website for search engines?

    A. Color scheme

    B. Recycled content

    C. Inspiring business name

    D. Site Popularity

    7. What should be the first step of a structured SEO plan?

    A. Identifying your ad budget

    B. Buying an analytics software

    C. Setting up your presence on social media sites

    D. Keyword research

    8. When it comes to search ads, which of the following could dictate how an ad will perform against a competitor?

    A. Social media following

    B. Bid value

    C. Domain authority

    D. Average number of visitors to the company’s website

    9. Fill in the blank: Short strings of specific keywords with low search volume are called ___________.

    A. Long-hair keywords

    B. Long-tail keywords

    C. High-relevance keywords

    D. Top-tail keywords

    10. Which of the following would be an ideal goal for an SEO plan?

    A. Increasing social media likes and follows

    B. Increasing how many relevant people visit your website

    C. Showing your website to as many people as possible

    D. Being in first place in SERP for any keyword

    Google Digital Garage Module 6 Question Answers – Get Discovered With Search Answers FAQ

    Q. What is covered in Module 6?

    A. The subject of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is covered in Google Digital Garage Module 6. It shows you how to raise the position of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs), enabling more people to find it.

    Q. How do I find assistance with Module 6?

    A. Visit the Google Digital Garage support page if you need assistance with Module 6. On the Google Digital Garage forum, you may also connect with a group of other students who are enrolled in the course.

    Q. How long does Module 6 take to finish?

    A. It takes roughly 35 minutes to finish Module 6. You may go at your own speed and devote more or less time to each subject based on your requirements.


    I’m assuming you are aware of the right response to each query in Google Digital Garage Module 6 Question Answers – Get Discovered With Search Answers. Please share this page with your friends who are also seeking for the Get Discovered With Search quiz answers if it was helpful to you in locating the answers. By clicking here you can also find Google Digital Garage Module 7 Question Answers – Make Search Work For You Answers.