AMU MBA 1C02: Economics for Managers

This Page Covered AMU Note of Paper “Economics for Managers” Which is AMU MBA (Master of Business Administration) Paper covered below Syllabus

Unit I: Introduction to Economics Principles of Economics; Theory of the Firm; demand and supply analysis; elasticity of demand, demand forecasting.

Unit II: Production Process and Cost Analysis Properties of Production function, Law of diminishing returns; Isoquants and returns to scale; Cost concepts and cost curves (short and long run); economies of scale and scope.

Unit III: Market structure Price and output under perfect competition, monopoly; monopolistic competition and oligopoly; Price discrimination

Unit IV: Macroeconomics I Circular Flow of economic activities; National Income: concepts and measurement, Instruments of Fiscal Policy; Tools of Monetary policy

Unit V: Macroeconomics II Economic growth and development, Business Cycles; The balance of Payments and exchange rates determination, Inflation.

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