This page covered AMU Notes of Paper “Yogic Sciences” Which is AMU M.P.Ed (First semester) Paper covered Below Syllabus

AMU M.P.Ed. - PEM-1003

PEM-1003: Yogic Sciences

1.1 Types of yoga: Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Mantra Yoga.
1.2 Study of essential requirements and equipments and equipment for advanced practice of Yoga.
1.3 Concept of Yogic Practice; Indication and Contra-Indications
1.4 Principles of Performing Asanas and Pranayama

Asanas and Pranayama
2.1 Silent features of Asanas (Cultural, Relaxative and meditative)
2.2 Benefits and precautions of surya Namaskar.
2.3 Benefits of different types of Pranayamas.
2.4 Nadis and Chakras in Body

Kriyas and Mudras
3.1 Meaning, Techniques and Benifits of Shat Kriyas – Neti – Dhauti – Kapalabathi-
Trataka – Nauli-Basti, Bandhas.
3.2 Meaning, Techniques and Benefits of Yogic Bandhas Jalendra Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, & Mula bandha
3.3 Meaning, Techniques and Benefits of Yogic Mudras
3.4 Meditation: Benefits & its Types

Yoga and Sports
4.1 Power of Yoga to Improve Sport Performance
4.2 Role Of Yoga in Psychological Preparation Of athlete
4.3 Yoga and Mental wellbeing, Anxiety, Depression Concentration,& self Actualization.
4.4 Effect Of Yoga on Physiological System

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