This Page covered M. A./M. Sc. (Final) III Semester
(Paper Code – GGM 3072)

Fundamentals of GIS
Introduction to GIS: Definition, Information technology in geography, history and development
in GIS, components of GIS, advantages of GIS over traditional techniques. Application of GIS
in geographical studies.
Geographic data – human cognition of the spatial world, maps and other representation of the
world. Types of information in a digital map: scale, projection and georeferencing.
Spatial Data - Geographic data and information, spatial – non-spatial data. GIS data formats,
raster and vector data, their merits and demerits.
Lab Work
Lab. I: Introduction to Arc View’s Modular Structure
Task Set 1: Basic software and operating system concept
Task Set 2: Introduction to Arc View
Lab II: Projection and Cartography
Task Set 1: Basic concepts of projection
Task Set 2: Concept of the theme in Arc View
Task Set 3: Cartographic design concepts
Lab III: Vector Data Model:
Task Set 1: The Vector data model: Points
Task Set 2: The Vector data model: Lines and Polygons
Task Set 3: Joining tabular data to spatial data
Task Set 4: Creating Visualization
Lab. IV: Digitizing and Data Automation
Task Set 1: Digitizing in Arc View
Task Set 2: Creating a map
Task Set 3: Creating a table and entering data
Lab. V: Geo-coding: Matching Addresses with Locations
Task Set 1: Geo-coding
Lab. VI: Spatial Analysis
Task Set 1: Classification
Task Set 2: Distance measures and Buffers

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