This page covered AMU Notes of Paper “PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL SCIENCE” Which is AMU B.A(Political Science) Paper covered Below Syllabus

B.A. – Political Science,

1st Semester


Unit I: Introduction Political Science: Meaning, Definition, Nature and Scope Relationship of Political Science with History, Economics and Sociology Methods of Political Science: Historical, Comparative and Philosophical

Unit II: The Concept of State The State: Meaning, Definition and Elements Theories of Origin of State Social: Contract (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau) and Evolutionary theory Sovereignty: Meaning, Characteristics and Theories (Monistic and Pluralist) Law: Meaning, Definition, Sources and Kinds

Unit III: Political Ideas and Values Liberty: Meaning and Dimensions (Negative and Positive) & Kinds Equality: Meaning, Dimensions and Kinds Justice: Meaning and Dimensions: Procedural and Substantive Rights: Meaning and Kinds: Natural Rights, Political Rights and Legal Rights

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