This page covered AMU B.A History - HSB-154 -Ancient India (Pre-History to Indus Civilization) which include below syllabus,

a) India’s physical features: a brief survey of geological formation of India.
b) Pre-history and Proto-history: basis of classification.
c) Early history of humans: evolution of human species. Early appearance of
Anatomically Modern Man (AMM) and the Modern human in India:
Archaeological evidence.
d) Paleolithic Age: Three cultural phases: Lower, Middle and Upper.

Brief Study of Pre-historic Cultures
a) Mesolithic Culture: Northern and Western Zone; Central, Eastern and Southern
b) The ‘Neolithic Revolution’: Meaning of ‘The Neolithic Revolution’; The earliest
agricultural communities, 7000-4800 BC; Coming of Agriculture and Pastoralism.
c) Significance of Mehrgarh. Neolithic Cultures of Central and Eastern India, post
3000 BC. Northern and early southern Neolithic culture after c. 3000 B.C.
d) Antecedents of the Indus civilization: appearance of Bronze Age in the Indus
Basin c.4000-3200 BC.

Chalcolithic and Bronze Age in India
a) Early Bronze Age Cultures, the Helmand Civilization, early Indus cultures.
b) The Indus Civilization: Extent and population, Agriculture, Craft Production,
Urbanization (cities and towns), Trade, Culture: writing, art and religion; polity.
c) Decline of Indus/Harappan Civilization.
d) Non urban Chalcolithic cultures, till 1500 BC: Chalcolithic cultures of the
Border land and the Indus basin, Malwa and Deccan before 1500 BC. Language
before 1500 B.C.

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