MBA 1C04: Human Resource Management

Unit I: Introduction to Human Resource Management Evolution of HRM, Relevance of HRM, Challenges faced by HRM, Human Resource Functions, Systems Model of HRM Functions, The Indian Scenario of HRM.

Unit II: Manpower Management Human Resource Planning, Steps in HRP, Succession planning, recruitment and selection, training and career development, training administration, training needs analysis, job analysis - job description and job specifications.

Unit III: Compensation, Benefits and Performance Management Principles of wage determination; salary structure, grades, range, overtime payments; job evaluation, purpose, methods and procedure; wage policies and regulations in India, performance management.

Unit IV Industrial Relations Industrial relations machinery; preventive and settlement machinery; discipline in industry; grievance and the procedure for the Redressal of grievance; Roles, rights and responsibilities of trade union; collective bargaining; worker's participation in management.

Unit V: Employee Welfare Services and Security Quality of work life; health and safety, employee assistance programmers; voluntary welfare schemes for education; recreation, housing, medical services; an outline of social security measure; P.F., Gratuity, E.S.I schemes etc.

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