Coca Cola India’s Thirst for the Rural Market

Thanda Goes Rural: Coca Cola India's Thirst for the Rural Market

Thanda Goes Rural: Coca Cola India's Thirst for the Rural Market

Coca Cola India (CCI) has been a dominant player in the Indian beverage market for decades. However, recognizing the immense potential in the rural market, CCI embarked on a strategic journey to tap into this untapped segment. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind CCI’s foray into the rural market, the marketing strategy adopted, and the role of advertising in this context.

Section 1: 'Thanda' Goes Rural

The rural market in India is a vast and complex landscape, characterized by unique challenges and opportunities. With a significant portion of the population residing in rural areas, CCI saw an untapped potential for growth. The success of their flagship product, Coca Cola, in urban areas further fueled the desire to cater to the rural market’s thirst for refreshing beverages.

Section 2: CCI's Rural Marketing Strategy

To effectively penetrate the rural market, CCI devised a comprehensive marketing strategy. The key pillars of their approach included distribution, pricing, and advertising. Understanding the rural market’s distinct characteristics, CCI established an extensive distribution network, reaching even the remotest areas. They also adopted an affordable pricing strategy to make their products accessible to a larger consumer base.

Section 3: The Role of Advertising in the Rural Market

Advertising played a pivotal role in CCI’s rural marketing success. Recognizing the power of media and communication, CCI launched innovative and localized advertising campaigns that resonated with the rural audience. By leveraging regional languages, cultural nuances, and relatable storytelling, CCI effectively connected with rural consumers, creating brand awareness and fostering brand loyalty.

Section 4: Future Prospects

CCI’s foray into the rural market has yielded promising results, showcasing immense potential for future growth. As rural India continues to develop and witness increased purchasing power, the demand for beverages, including cola, is expected to grow exponentially. CCI, along with its competitor PepsiCo, will continue to focus on rural marketing as a key driver of their business expansion.


In conclusion, Coca Cola India’s entry into the rural market has been a strategic move to tap into the immense potential of this segment. By adopting a comprehensive marketing strategy encompassing distribution, pricing, and advertising, CCI has successfully established its presence in rural areas. As the rural market evolves and grows, CCI’s commitment to catering to the thirst of rural India positions them for continued success in the years to come. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

Cavinkare Innovative Marketing Strategies

Cavinkare's Innovative Marketing Strategies

Case Study: Cavinkare's Innovative Marketing Strategies

Cavinkare, a renowned FMCG company, has carved a niche for itself in the highly competitive market through its innovative marketing strategies. This blog explores the brand-building, pricing, promotion, and diversification approaches that have contributed to the success of Cavinkare’s products.

Section 1: Cavinkare in the Food Business

Cavinkare, initially known for its personal care products, made a bold move by venturing into the food business. Recognizing the immense potential in the market, the company strategically introduced food products that catered to the evolving consumer preferences.

Section 2: Background Note

To understand Cavinkare’s marketing strategies, it is important to delve into its background. The company has always emphasized innovation as its core driving force. This mindset has enabled Cavinkare to stay ahead of the competition and meet the ever-changing demands of consumers.

Section 3: The Marketing Strategy

Cavinkare’s marketing strategy revolves around a well-defined marketing mix. The company focuses on product innovation, ensuring that their offerings align with customer needs. Additionally, Cavinkare employs effective pricing strategies to capture market share while maintaining profitability.

Section 4: Brand Extensions & Business Diversification

One of Cavinkare’s key strengths lies in its ability to successfully extend its brand and diversify its business. By leveraging the trust and brand equity it has built, Cavinkare has expanded its product portfolio beyond personal care and food products. This diversification has not only boosted growth but also increased the company’s resilience in the market.

Section 5: The Future

Looking ahead, Cavinkare aims to continue its path of innovation and diversification to stay relevant in the ever-evolving market. The company recognizes the importance of rural marketing and plans to tap into the immense potential of rural consumers. By combining its marketing prowess with a deep understanding of consumer dynamics, Cavinkare is poised for continued success.


Cavinkare’s innovative marketing strategies have played a pivotal role in its remarkable journey. Through brand-building, pricing, promotion, and diversification, Cavinkare has managed to create a strong foothold in the competitive FMCG industry. As the company moves forward, its commitment to innovation and consumer-centric approaches will undoubtedly drive its future growth. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

Bumrungrad’s Global Services Marketing Strategy

Case Study: Bumrungrad's Global Services Marketing Strategy

Welcome to our blog post exploring Bumrungrad’s global services marketing strategy. In this article, we will delve into the company’s approach to implementing its global expansion strategy and examine whether it can replicate the same exceptional customer experience in its international operations. Join us as we explore the key areas that Bumrungrad must focus on to drive growth in the future.

Background Note:

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s take a moment to understand the background of Bumrungrad. As one of the leading healthcare service providers in the world, Bumrungrad has built a strong reputation for its exceptional medical expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to patient care. With its headquarters based in Thailand, Bumrungrad has successfully attracted patients from around the globe, earning the trust of patients seeking quality healthcare services.

Promoting Healthcare Services Globally:

Expanding its services internationally poses both opportunities and challenges for Bumrungrad. To implement its global expansion strategy successfully, the company must focus on promoting its healthcare services globally. This can be achieved through strategic partnerships with international hospitals and clinics, targeted marketing campaigns, and leveraging digital platforms to reach potential patients worldwide. By establishing a strong global presence, Bumrungrad can attract patients seeking specialized medical treatments and procedures.

The In-Hospital Experience:

One of the key factors that sets Bumrungrad apart is its exceptional in-hospital experience. The company must ensure that this unique experience is replicated across all its global operations. This involves maintaining high standards of quality care, personalized services, and creating a warm and welcoming environment for patients. Bumrungrad should invest in comprehensive training programs for its staff in international locations, ensuring that the same level of expertise and compassionate care is provided to patients wherever they seek treatment.

Pricing of Healthcare Services:

While delivering exceptional healthcare services is crucial, Bumrungrad must also carefully consider its pricing strategy in its global operations. The company should conduct thorough market research to understand local pricing dynamics and adapt its pricing structure accordingly. Balancing affordability with the high-quality services Bumrungrad is known for will be essential in attracting patients from diverse backgrounds and healthcare systems.

The Benefits:

Implementing a successful global services marketing strategy can bring numerous benefits to Bumrungrad. It allows the company to tap into new markets, diversify its revenue streams, and extend its reach to patients seeking specialized medical treatments. By expanding globally, Bumrungrad can also enhance its reputation as a global leader in healthcare services and contribute to the overall growth and development of the industry.

Initiatives In 2003:

To further understand Bumrungrad’s global services marketing strategy, it is worth highlighting the initiatives the company undertook in 2003. Bumrungrad established its first international hospital in Dubai, marking a significant milestone in its global expansion journey. This step demonstrated the company’s commitment to providing quality healthcare services beyond its home country and laid the foundation for future growth initiatives.

The Problem:

As Bumrungrad expands its global operations, one of the key challenges it faces is ensuring the consistent delivery of its exceptional customer experience. Maintaining the same level of quality care, personalized services, and warm environment across different locations can be demanding. However, by prioritizing training, continuous improvement, and the establishment of strong operational protocols, Bumrung


In conclusion, Bumrungrad’s global services marketing strategy plays a vital role in driving the company’s growth and maintaining its position as a global leader in healthcare services. By focusing on promoting healthcare services globally, replicating the exceptional in-hospital experience, adapting pricing strategies, and leveraging past initiatives, Bumrungrad can successfully implement its global expansion strategy. With careful attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, Bumrungrad has the potential to deliver the same exceptional customer experience in its international operations and continue to be a beacon of quality healthcare worldwide Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

The Tata Steel Way – Branding a Commodity

Branding a Commodity - The Tata Steel Way

Case Study: Branding a Commodity - The Tata Steel Way

In the highly competitive world of industrial commodities, branding has traditionally taken a backseat. After all, why would customers care about the brand of steel they are purchasing? However, Tata Steel, a leading private sector steel manufacturer in India, has taken a bold step by deciding to brand its steel products. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind Tata Steel’s decision, the advantages of branding a commodity, and the future prospects of this marketing approach.

Background notes

Tata Steel, known for its long-standing reputation and commitment to quality, has always strived to differentiate itself in the market. However, in the context of steel, where products are often perceived as interchangeable, the company faced challenges in establishing a unique identity. This led to a strategic shift in focus towards branding its steel products.

Branding Steel

Branding a commodity like steel may seem like a daunting task, but Tata Steel has approached it with a clear vision and customer orientation. The company recognized the need to create a distinct brand identity that resonates with both B2B and B2C customers. Through extensive market research and engagement with stakeholders, Tata Steel identified the key attributes and value propositions that set its steel products apart from the competition. This formed the foundation for the branding strategy.

Distribution Revamp

To support its branding efforts, Tata Steel embarked on a comprehensive revamping exercise in its distribution channels. The company recognized that delivering a consistent brand experience requires a seamless distribution process. By streamlining logistics, optimizing supply chains, and partnering with reliable distributors, Tata Steel ensured that its branded steel products reach customers efficiently and on time.

Benefits Reaped

The decision to brand its steel products has yielded numerous benefits for Tata Steel. Firstly, branding has enabled the company to command a premium price for its products, as customers perceive higher value and reliability associated with the brand. Secondly, branding has enhanced customer loyalty, as buyers now actively seek out Tata Steel products for their projects.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, Tata Steel’s branding efforts hold promising prospects. The company’s customer-centric approach and continuous improvement initiatives ensure that its brand remains relevant and competitive in a rapidly evolving market. Furthermore, as the demand for sustainable and eco-friendly solutions increases, Tata Steel is well-positioned to leverage its brand reputation and offer environmentally conscious steel products.


In conclusion, Tata Steel’s decision to brand its steel products represents a paradigm shift in the marketing of industrial commodities. By recognizing the advantages of branding and taking proactive steps to establish a distinct brand identity, Tata Steel has successfully differentiated itself in a crowded marketplace. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

Cult Brand: Beetle Birth, Growth, Death and Revival

Beetle: The Birth, Growth, Death and Revival of a Cult Brand

Case Study: Beetle: The Birth, Growth, Death and Revival of a Cult Brand

The concept of cult brands has always fascinated marketers and consumers alike. These are the brands that go beyond being mere products and become a part of our culture and identity. One such iconic brand that has experienced a rollercoaster journey of success, decline, and revival is the Beetle by Volkswagen. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing story of the Beetle, exploring its rise to glory, its fall from grace, and its triumphant comeback in the 21st century.

Section 1: The End of an Era

As we dive into the story of the Beetle, it’s essential to acknowledge the end of an era. The Beetle, once a symbol of freedom and individuality, faced numerous challenges and eventually lost its position as a dominant player in the automobile industry. However, this was not the end for the beloved Beetle; it was merely a chapter in its fascinating narrative.

Section 2: The Volkswagen Story: The Beetle is Born

To truly understand the Beetle’s journey, we must go back to its origins. The Beetle was first conceptualized by Ferdinand Porsche in the 1930s, with a vision to create an affordable and reliable car for the masses. The Beetle quickly gained popularity and became synonymous with German engineering and innovation.

Section 3: Beetle: Rise to Glory Cult Brand

During the post-war period, the Beetle experienced exponential growth, conquering the hearts of millions around the world. Its compact design, sturdy build, and fuel efficiency made it a perfect choice for families and adventurers alike. The emotional bond formed between the consumers and their Beetles played a significant role in its success as a cult brand.

Section 4: Beetle: Becoming a Phenomenon

As the Beetle’s popularity soared, it became more than just a car; it became a cultural phenomenon. The Beetle was featured in movies, adorned album covers, and became a symbol of counterculture and rebellion. Its unique shape and distinct charm made it instantly recognizable and highly sought after.

Section 5: Beetle Loses Ground

However, like all good things, the Beetle’s reign eventually came to an end. The brand faced various challenges, including increased competition, changing consumer preferences, and regulatory hurdles. By the mid-1970s, the Beetle started losing its appeal and struggled to keep up with the evolving automotive landscape.

Section 6: Time for Beetle Again!

But just when it seemed like the Beetle had reached its final chapter, Volkswagen decided to revive this iconic brand. In 1998, the New Beetle was introduced, paying homage to its predecessor while incorporating modern design elements and features. The New Beetle aimed to capture the hearts of a new generation while still appealing to the nostalgia of long-time Beetle enthusiasts.

Section 7: Reinventing the Beetle

With the introduction of the New Beetle, Volkswagen embarked on a journey to reinvent the brand and reestablish its position in the market. Through innovative brand positioning, clever advertising campaigns, and strategic promotional strategies, Volkswagen successfully rekindled the emotional connection between consumers and the Beetle.

Section 8: The New Beetle Makes its Mark

The New Beetle quickly gained popularity and became a symbol of style, individuality, and fun. With its sleek curves, advanced technology, and a wide range of customization options, the New Beetle appealed to a diverse audience, transcending age and gender barriers. It became a statement of personal expression and automotive excellence.


In conclusion, the story of the Beetle is a testament to the power of emotional bonding and the revival of a cult brand. From its humble beginnings to its rise as a global phenomenon, the Beetle has left an indelible mark on the automotive industry. With its reinvention in the form of the New Beetle, Volkswagen successfully reignited the passion and love for this iconic car. As we look to the future, the Beetle’s prospects remain bright, as it continues to evoke emotions and capture the imagination of generations to come. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

Baskin-Robbins’ Marketing Magic: From Scoops to Brand Equity

Baskin Robbins - new logo Baskin Robbins, the ice cream brand, has undergone a transformation to unveil a refreshed brand identity.

Case Study: Baskin Robbins - new logo Baskin Robbins, the ice cream brand, has undergone a transformation to unveil a refreshed brand identity.

Baskin-Robbins, America’s Favorite Sweets Chain, has become synonymous with premium and quality ice cream. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of a brand manager, brand management system, and category management in Baskin-Robbins’ marketing strategies. From its humble beginnings in California during the Second World War to offering over 1000 ice cream flavors, milkshakes, smoothies, and cakes, Baskin-Robbins has mastered the art of captivating customers through innovative marketing techniques.

Section 1: Understanding the Role of Brand Manager

A brand manager plays a vital role in shaping the image and perception of a brand. At Baskin-Robbins, brand managers are responsible for ensuring that the brand’s essence and values are consistently conveyed to the target audience. They work closely with marketing teams to develop and execute strategies that resonate with customers and distinguish Baskin-Robbins from competitors.

Section 2: The Power of Brand Management System

A robust brand management system is crucial for maintaining brand consistency across various touchpoints. Baskin-Robbins has implemented an effective brand management system that encompasses guidelines for visual identity, messaging, and customer experience. This system ensures that every scoop of ice cream and every interaction with customers aligns with the brand’s promise of delivering a delightful ice cream experience.

Section 3: Category Management: Beyond Sweet Treats

While Baskin-Robbins is renowned for its ice cream, its marketing efforts go beyond frozen desserts. With products like the iconic Beatle Nut and Lunar Cheesecake, Baskin-Robbins has successfully expanded its offerings to cater to diverse customer preferences. Through category management, BaskinRobbins identifies market trends, analyzes consumer behavior, and strategically diversifies its product portfolio to stay ahead of the competition.

Section 4: Innovative Marketing Strategies and Building Brand Equity

Baskin-Robbins’ success can be attributed to its innovative marketing strategies. From playful campaigns to engaging social media presence, the brand consistently captures the attention of ice cream enthusiasts. By fostering an emotional connection with its customers, Baskin-Robbins has built strong brand equity, making it a top choice for ice cream lovers worldwide. The brand’s commitment to quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction has solidified its position as a market leader.


Baskin-Robbins’ success can be attributed to its innovative marketing strategies. From playful campaigns to engaging social media presence, the brand consistently captures the attention of ice cream enthusiasts. By fostering an emotional connection with its customers, Baskin-Robbins has built strong brand equity, making it a top choice for ice cream lovers worldwide. The brand’s commitment to quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction has solidified its position as a market leader. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

Absolut Vodka – Creating Advertising History

Absolut Vodka - Creating Advertising History

Case Study: Absolut Vodka - Creating Advertising History

Absolut Vodka, the largest selling premium vodka brand in the US, has not only established itself as a leader in the spirits industry but also as an icon in the world of advertising. Through its innovative and creative campaigns, Absolut has successfully created brand recognition and awareness among consumers, setting itself apart from competitors in a highly competitive market.

Section 1: 'Absolut Change' - A New Advertising Launch Pad

Absolut Vodka revolutionized the advertising industry with its groundbreaking campaign titled ‘Absolut Change.’ This campaign marked a turning point in how vodka brands were promoted. By collaborating with renowned artists and designers, Absolut created a series of visually captivating ads that blurred the lines between art and advertising. These ads not only showcased the product but also became collectors’ items, generating a buzz among consumers and establishing Absolut as a trendsetter.

Section 2: 'Absolut History' - V&S Vin & Spirit AB

To understand the success of Absolut’s advertising, it is essential to delve into the brand’s history. V&S Vin & Spirit AB, the Swedish company behind Absolut, played a significant role in shaping the brand’s identity. With a rich heritage and commitment to quality, Absolut Vodka became synonymous with excellence. This strong foundation provided a solid platform for the brand’s advertising endeavors.

Section 3: 'Absolut Preparation' - The Making of the Vodka

One of the key factors that set Absolut apart from its competitors was its meticulous production process. From selecting the finest ingredients to implementing advanced distillation techniques, Absolut ensured that its vodka was of the highest quality. This attention to detail became an integral part of Absolut’s advertising narrative, highlighting the brand’s commitment to excellence and reinforcing its premium positioning.

Section 4: 'Absolut Adventure' - Making of a Legend

Absolut Vodka’s advertising campaigns were not limited to traditional mediums. The brand embarked on adventurous collaborations and sponsorships, aligning itself with art, fashion, and pop culture. By associating with influential figures and events, Absolut created a sense of excitement and exclusivity around the brand. From iconic fashion collaboration to sponsoring art exhibits, Absolut consistently pushed boundaries and cemented its status as a cultural phenomenon.

Section 5: 'Absolut Continuity' - The Brand Marches Strongly Ahead

Absolut’s advertising legacy extends far beyond a single campaign or era. Over the years, the brand has continued to innovate and captivate audiences with its advertising efforts. With each new campaign, Absolut reinvents itself while staying true to its core values. This continuity has been crucial in maintaining the brand’s relevance and ensuring that it remains a top choice among consumers.


Absolut Vodka’s journey in advertising is nothing short of remarkable. By embracing innovation, creativity, and collaboration, Absolut has not only created a strong brand identity but also shaped the advertising landscape. Through its iconic campaigns, Absolut Vodka has proven that advertising can be an art form in itself, leaving a lasting impression on consumers and becoming an advertising legend in its own right. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

Rebranding Lessons from Three Indian Companies

his is a series of three caselets that would help highlight the issues involved in rebranding, especially a corporate rebranding exercise.

The Power of Rebranding Lessons from Three Indian Companies

Rebranding is a strategic decision that many companies undertake to revitalize their image and adapt to changing market dynamics. In this blog post, we will explore three intriguing caselets from India, shedding light on the challenges, rationales, and outcomes of major rebranding exercises. Through these examples, we will gain valuable insights into the world of rebranding and its impact on well-established brands, with a specific focus on the banking sector in India.

Section 1: 'Hindustan Lever Limited' Rebrands as 'Hindustan Unilever Limited'

In this caselet, we delve into the rebranding journey of Hindustan Lever Limited, one of India’s largest consumer goods companies. We examine the reasons behind the decision to rebrand and the challenges faced during the transition. Additionally, we analyze the marketing communication campaign executed by the ad agency, exploring its effectiveness and the impact on consumer perception.

Section 2: 'UTI Bank' Rebrands as 'Axis Bank'

The second case takes us into the world of banking, as we explore the rebranding of UTI Bank to Axis Bank. We uncover the factors that led to the decision to rebrand and the unique challenges faced within the banking industry. Moreover, we examine the strategic approach taken by Axis Bank to communicate the rebranding to its customers and stakeholders, highlighting key lessons learned from this exercise.

Section 3: The Rebranding of 'Hutch' to 'Vodafone'

Our final case focuses on the telecom sector, specifically the rebranding of Hutch to Vodafone. We analyze the reasons behind this significant transformation and the implications for the company in a highly competitive market. By examining the marketing strategies employed during this rebranding exercise, we gain valuable insights into how telecom rebranding differs from other industries.


Rebranding is a complex and impactful process that requires careful consideration and execution. Through the exploration of these three caselets, we have gained valuable lessons on the challenges, rationales, and outcomes of rebranding exercises in the Indian market. Whether it is a consumer goods giant like Hindustan Unilever, a banking institution like Axis Bank, or a telecom company like Vodafone, the power of rebranding is evident. By understanding these experiences, we can navigate the intricacies of rebranding and make informed decisions when it comes to shaping the image and perception of our own brands. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

Volkswagen’s Iroc Concept: Reviving the Scirocco to Target

Volkswagen's Iroc Concept: Reviving the Scirocco to Target A Niche Market

Case Study: Volkswagen's Iroc Concept: Reviving the Scirocco to Target A Niche Market

In the ever-evolving world of automobile manufacturing, capturing the attention of consumers and standing out from the crowd is crucial. Volkswagen, known for its iconic models such as the Beetle and Golf, recognized the importance of niche markets and emotional brands. With this in mind, they developed the Iroc Concept, a vehicle designed to revive the legendary Scirocco sports coupé. In this blog post, we will delve into the rationale behind the development of the Iroc, explore the significance of niche markets for automobile manufacturers, and take a drive down memory lane to appreciate the Scirocco’s rich history.

Section 1: Reviving a Cult Car

The Scirocco, first introduced in 1974, quickly gained a loyal following and became a cult car in its own right. With its sporty design and thrilling performance, the Scirocco captured the hearts of many enthusiasts. However, as time went on, the model was discontinued, leaving fans longing for its return. Volkswagen recognized this passion and set out to revive the Scirocco, aiming to tap into a niche market of dedicated enthusiasts

Section 2: Background Note

Understanding the importance of emotional brands and niche markets is crucial when analyzing the development of the Iroc Concept. Automobile manufacturers, both in the US and Europe, have come to realize that catering to a specific group of consumers can be highly rewarding. By creating models that evoke emotions and resonate with a particular audience, manufacturers can establish a strong and loyal customer base.

Section 3: The Scirocco Story

To appreciate the significance of the Iroc Concept, it is essential to take a closer look at the Scirocco’s history. From its debut in the 1970s to its discontinuation in the early 1990s, the Scirocco made a lasting impact on the automotive industry. Its sleek design, powerful engines, and sporty handling made it a favorite among drivers seeking a thrilling driving experience. The Scirocco Fan and Enthusiast Clubs that emerged during this time further showcased the model’s popularity and the strong community it fostered.

Section 4: The Gap in Volkswagen's Product Line

Volkswagen, known for its mass-market appeal, identified a gap in its product line that the Scirocco could fill. While the brand had successful models like the Beetle and Golf, there was a need for a sporty and stylish option that would cater to a niche market of performance-oriented drivers. The Iroc Concept was the solution, bringing back the essence of the Scirocco and targeting those seeking a unique driving experience.

Section 5: The Iroc Concept

Enter the Iroc Concept, a modern interpretation of the Scirocco that combines cutting-edge design and advanced technology. With its sleek lines, aggressive stance, and dynamic performance, the Iroc Concept captures the spirit of the original Scirocco while incorporating contemporary features. This concept car not only showcases Volkswagen’s ability to push boundaries but also sets the stage for the potential revival of the Scirocco as a production model.

Section 6: A Drive Down Memory Lane

For those who have fond memories of the Scirocco, the Iroc Concept takes us on a nostalgic journey. With its retro-inspired design cues and nods to the original model, the Iroc Concept pays homage to its predecessor while embracing the future. It reignites the passion and excitement that the Scirocco once evoked, fueling anticipation for its potential return to the market.


The development of the Iroc Concept by Volkswagen exemplifies the importance of niche markets and emotional brands in the automobile industry. By reviving the legendary Scirocco and targeting a dedicated group of enthusiasts, Volkswagen aims to capture the hearts of drivers seeking a unique and thrilling driving experience. The Iroc Concept not only pays tribute to the past but also paves the way for an exciting future, where the Scirocco may once again roam the streets, leaving a trail of admiration in its wake. Exhibits: (Please see the attached document for the corresponding exhibits) Keywords: Volkswagen AG, Iroc Concept Car, Scirocco Sports Coupé, New Beetle, Product Line, Mass Market, Emotional Brands, Scirocco Fan and Enthusiast Clubs, Retro Models Target Audience: Automobile enthusiasts, fans of the Scirocco, individuals interested in niche markets and emotional brands in the automotive industry. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry

Vertu Mobile Phones Luxury Redefined

Vertu Mobile Phones Luxury Redefined

Case Study: Vertu Mobile Phones Luxury Redefined

Luxury mobile phones have become more than just communication devices – they are now a status symbol that represents opulence and exclusivity. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Vertu mobile phones, exploring their unique features, collections, and the allure they hold for discerning customers. Additionally, we will analyze the prospects for highly priced phones in global markets and gain insights into the nature of the market for luxury products

Background Note:

In a mature market saturated with various smartphone brands, Vertu, a British manufacturer, has carved out a niche for itself by offering unparalleled luxury and craftsmanship. Founded in 1998, Vertu has redefined the concept of mobile phones, elevating them to the realm of exquisite accessories.

What Goes into a Vertu?:

Every Vertu mobile phone is meticulously crafted using the finest materials available. From hand-polished sapphire screens to hand-stitched leather backs, Vertu spares no expense in creating a truly luxurious experience. The attention to detail and precision engineering that goes into each device is a testament to the brand’s commitment to excellence.

Vertu Collections:

Vertu offers a range of collections, each with its own unique design and aesthetic. Whether it’s the sleek and minimalist Signature collection or the bold and vibrant Aster collection, Vertu caters to diverse tastes and preferences. Each collection represents a blend of artistry, innovation, and timeless elegance.

The Concierge Service:

One of the standout features of Vertu mobile phones is the exclusive concierge service that accompanies them. This service provides users with 24/7 access to a team of dedicated experts who can assist with various requests, including travel arrangements, restaurant reservations, and even securing sought-after event tickets. The concierge service adds an extra layer of luxury and convenience to the Vertu ownership experience.

Who Buys the Vertu?:

The Vertu brand appeals to a select group of individuals who value exclusivity and are willing to invest in exceptional craftsmanship. From business executives to celebrities, Vertu mobile phones have found their place in the hands of those who appreciate the finer things in life. It’s not just a phone; it’s a statement of refinement and prestige.


While Vertu has established itself as a leader in the luxury mobile phone market, it faces certain challenges. The increasing competition from other luxury smartphone brands and the emergence of high-end features in mainstream devices pose a threat to Vertu’s uniqueness. However, the brand continues to innovate, adapt, and evolve to maintain its position as a symbol of luxury.


The market for luxury products, including high-end mobile phones, is ever-evolving. As technology advances and consumer preferences change, Vertu must continue to identify or create new niches to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing innovation, delivering impeccable craftsmanship, and providing unparalleled customer service, Vertu has the potential to thrive in the global luxury mobile phone market.


Vertu mobile phones have redefined luxury in the mobile phone industry. With their exquisite design, fine craftsmanship, and exclusive concierge service, Vertu appeals to a select group of individuals who appreciate the utmost in luxury and prestige. While challenges exist, the brand’s commitment to innovation and its ability to adapt will ensure its continued success in the dynamic market for luxury products. Also got to know about the Maruti Suzuki’s Advertising Strategies: Driving Success in the Indian Passenger Car Industry